Die Nominierungen des 2014 Brickfilmer's Guild Film Festivals wurden bekannt gegeben!
Auch dieses Jahr findet das "BFG Film Festival" statt. Wir konnten wieder für einige Preise mit "Time for $ale" nominiert werden: Für das beste Drehbuch, die beste Cinematografie, die beste Animation, das beste Sounddesign, die besten Synchronsprecher und für den Besten Film des Festivals. Auch unsere Freunde von "Rainlight Animations" (mit ihnen haben wir zum Beispiel den Hobbit Trailer gemacht) konnten in einigen Kategorien nominiert werden. Die Ergebnisse folgen vermutlich in den nächsten Wochen.
2014 BFG Film Festival Nominees
Screen Play:
The Jolly Adventures of the Men Who Travelled In Time by soppenjim
BRAWL 2014 - Teleporter Trouble by twickabrick
We the Pumpkins Three by Annoying Noises Productions
Time for $ale by Legostudio01 & A&M Studios
Sinner Monologues - LEGO Film Noir by MindGame Studios
Alex and Derrick: Five Years Later by NathanWells
Immortal by Rainlight Animations
Pokeballin 2 by Dylan Woodley
EXPANSE | A LEGO Brickfilm | HD by Red Onyx Productions
We the Pumpkins Three by Annoying Noises Productions
Time for $ale by Legostudio01 & A&M Studios
Alex and Derrick: Five Years Later by NathanWells
Pokeballin 2 by Dylan Woodley
Immortal by Rainlight Animations
Lego Star Wars - Luke vs Vader Final Duel by Kévin Ziolkowski
Sinner Monologues - LEGO Film Noir by MindGame Studios
The Jolly Adventures of the Men Who Travelled In Time by soppenjim
BRAWL 2014 - Teleporter Trouble by twickabrick
Pokeballin 2 by Dylan Woodley
Time for $ale by Legostudio01 & A&M Studios
Alex and Derrick: Five Years Later by NathanWells
Immortal by Rainlight Animations
Lego Star Wars - Luke vs Vader Final Duel by Kévin Ziolkowski
Sinner Monologues - LEGO Film Noir by MindGame Studios
Sound Effects:
EXPANSE | A LEGO Brickfilm | HD by Red Onyx Productions
We the Pumpkins Three by Annoying Noises Productions
Time for $ale by Legostudio01 & A&M Studios
Pokeballin 2 by Dylan Woodley
Sinner Monologues - LEGO Film Noir by MindGame Studios
BRAWL 2014 - Teleporter Trouble by twickabrick
Alex and Derrick: Five Years Later by NathanWells
Immortal by Rainlight Animations
Music Score:
The Jolly Adventures of the Men Who Travelled In Time by soppenjim
We the Pumpkins Three by Annoying Noises Productions
Alex and Derrick: Five Years Later by NathanWells
Pokeballin 2 by Dylan Woodley
Sinner Monologues - LEGO Film Noir by MindGame Studios
Immortal by Rainlight Animations
Only Human - BRAWL 2014 Entry by JohnDthunDer
Modern Art Orchestra - Halloween Blues by Arginnon
Voice Acting:
BRAWL 2014 - Teleporter Trouble by twickabrick
We the Pumpkins Three by Annoying Noises Productions
Time for $ale by Legostudio01 & A&M Studios
Alex and Derrick: Five Years Later by NathanWells
Sinner Monologues - LEGO Film Noir by MindGame Studios
Immortal by Rainlight Animations
Fisticuffs by BackyardLegos
Pokeballin 2 by Dylan Woodley
Best Film of Festival:
The Jolly Adventures of the Men Who Travelled In Time by soppenjim
BRAWL 2014 - Teleporter Trouble by twickabrick
We the Pumpkins Three by Annoying Noises Productions
Pokeballin 2 by Dylan Woodley
Time for $ale by Legostudio01 & A&M Studios
Sinner Monologues - LEGO Film Noir by MindGame Studios
Alex and Derrick: Five Years Later by NathanWells
Immortal by Rainlight Animations
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